Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Bloggie Doggie

Mothers of Lost Children uses podcasts to extend their reach. It makes them an intermediary with power to filter establishment "patriarchal" messages. This social media supports marketing of organizational objectives such as raising awareness, exposing institutional maltreatment, whistle blowing, informing and educating listening audiences, gaining understanding, building trust between members of our real and virtual mother groups and also between sister organizations. 

This gives activists a reason and a direction for action and pricks the conscience of listeners. Obviously, the ERA must be ratified before women have a legal leg to stand on. 

Mothers of Lost Children is a sub-group of the California Protective Parents Association. They use images that effectively draw the eye.
The Women's Media Project answered the call to action, and dedicated a broadcast to Family Court Awareness Month, which is also advertised by the CPPA.

Ahoy! I Am A Pirate Who Lives With Her Mother

I am a pirate and I live with my mother! 

My name is Kathy Scholpp, and I have worked hard to earn two Bachelor's Degrees, the first in Political Science/Law and the second in Communication. My experience with my first degree taught me that the law doesn't work the same way for women, and I have dedicated my activism to gender equity. 

My first career was Air Force, my second was the Postal Service, and presently, my position is Activist.  The founder of Mother's of Lost Children calls me "the official videographer" of the Mothers Movement. Professor Preston has said about my work "That's nice archival footage!" and I replied "ARCHIVAL? I shot that yesterday!" She replied "You are going to have an aspect ratio problem!" And I said "Who knew!" 

Now I seek fellow film-makers who also want to change the world and stop the cemeteries from filling up with women and children. In my spare time, I am a DJ at WSKB, where I host the Women's Media Project. I recommend you listen to the January 26th episode, where I interviewed Westfield State President Dr. Linda Thompson! She really cares about students, and she has a LOT to say to you. 


 Check out the transcript of the interview published in the Westfield Voice: (

I am caregiver for my dear Mom, who is 92 years old and has Alzheimer's Disease. As you can see in the photo, she is my "Shero!" Her name is Barb, but we call her Barbosa.